Canada tells Amb. Acheng to leave after NUP confrontation

Canada has told Uganda’s ambassador there, Joy Acheng, to leave following reports of uncouth behaviour.
The ambassador was reportedly captured on video wearing yellow while in a verbal exchange with Ugandan opposition members who were protesting against bad governance on the streets of Canada.
According to Canadian authorities, these actions reportedly breached diplomatic norms, prompting the decision to declare Acheng persona non-grata.
On AUgust 6, the diplomat posted on her handle on X, “Yes we are ready for hooligans and liars, Canada is not your place.”
In June Acheng was, on top of being Ambassador to Canana, she presented her credentials to authorities in the Bahama’s as the east African country’s envoy there.
“Presented my letters of credentials to the Governor General of the Commonwealth of Bahamas H.E the most Honourable Cynthia A Pratt as ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to the beautiful Bahamas I thank my President for the trust,” she wrote shortly after presenting her documents.
It is not clear who will be replacing Acheng.