Kabale teacher arrested for sodomising primary school girl

23 Oct 2023

Police in Kabale have arrested Ambrose Rukundo, 31, a teacher at Triple M Primary School for allegedly having carnal knowledge of a 17-year-old girl of the same school.

Rukundo is a resident of Kibuzije village in Rubanda district.

The case was reported by Sam Katama, 40, a peasant resident of Karushanga village, Kaharo sub-county in Kabale.

Police said the suspect called the victim in the staff room where he was alone to bring books and after which forced her into a sexual act.

That the suspect didn’t even use a condom, after the act gave her sh5,000 and told her not to tell anyone,” Police stated.

“But she went and informed her father who went and reported the matter to Njanja Police station and the suspect was accordingly arrested.”

The Police have also visited the scene of crime, drawn a sketch plan, “relevant statements from witnesses obtained and the victim was examined.”

Kigezi police spokesperson said inquiries are ongoing and updates will be given as soon as fresh information is obtained.

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